Getting Started with Python

Install PyCharm Community Edition

Download and install PyCharm Community Edition.

Creating Your First Python Project

1. Launch PyCharm and create a new project.

2. Specify the location of the project and click Create, which would create the project.

3. Right click and create a new Python file, where you can write your code. To run the code, right click the file name and click on "Run". Congrats! You have run your very 1st Python project.

Free Python Courses

  1. Crash Course on Python - Google
  2. Python 3 Programming Specialization - University of Michigan
  3. Python for Everybody - University of Michigan
  4. IT Automation with Python by Google

Free Python EBooks

Other Python Tutorials and References

  1. Learn Python by Example
  3. W3Schools Python Tutorial
  4. Python Docs
 Know of any other handy free Python tutorials? Let us know in the comments.

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