Getting Started with Android Studio

This post is a collection of useful links for those getting started with building their Android application in Android Studio.

Download Android Studio

Download Android Studio from the below link and follow the onscreen instructions for installation. 

Building Your First Application

There are multiple guides on creating your first android application. Listing the popular ones below.

1. Developer.Android - A Simple Two Screen Application with a Text Box

2.   Google Code Labs - A Simple Two Screen Application that Generates Random Number

Free Android Courses

Recommended Prerequisite: Java. If you are not familiar with Java, you can try LearnJavaOnline or Free Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners in Udemy.

1. Android Developer Fundamentals
2. Udacity - Developing Android Apps

Android Developer Guides

Android Developer Guides provide a good overview of various programming concepts & relations. Some essential ones are
  1. Introduction to Activities
  2. Layouts

Android Code Labs

The Android section of Code Labs provide specific, guided tutorials like

 Other Useful Links

  1. Android JetPack
  2. Retrofit - Converts HTTP APIs to Java Interface
    1. Simple Android Tutorial using Retrofit
      1. Example Android Project

Useful Tools

  1. Convert JSON to Java Code
    Know of any other useful free Android resource? Please let us know in the comments for us to add them here.

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