Google adsense account approved

This blog was at last accepted for google adsense.I couldn't get this blog approved previously because this blog wasn't 6 months old,the minimum age for a site to be qualified for adsense.Adsense has a limit of maximum of 3 ad spots per page,and that is confusing me.A total of 5 posts will be shown on the home page,and if I insert an ad in each post,that would become 5 ad spots,two over the limit.

I could try placing it between the posts,but I don't think ads will then be shown on individual pages.So,what's your strategy for placing the google ads?

The 125x125 monthly advertising will still be in place.The present ones are going to get over soon,and if you are interested you can book an ad spot(above the fold) for 1800 ecs per month.

Besides adsense,what other ads you run on your blog?


  1. Congrats mr.karthik, for adsense approval. you have said your blog rejected because it wasn't six months old, could you tell who did you reapply?
    thank u

  2. I had earlier applied for adsense just around the time when google introduced this condition(earlier there was no required blog age).

    For reapplying,just log in to your previously created adsense account account and click resubmit. :)

  3. hi karthik, thats the problem my friend, there is no resubmit option :)
    if you dont mind can you mail me or msngr rajeshn07 at yahoo dot com.
    thank u

  4. Hi Karthik,Congrats on the approval of adsense!!I know how difficult it is now to get an approval from adsense team but you made it cheers :)


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