Bought a domain name

I am so excited! I have just changed to have just updated, and so there might be some error in some pages as it generally takes some time for DNS to update.

I had initially bought two domain and from namecheap.I was not able to decide between the two.....and finally,I stuck with like a sorta premium domain name.

I am intending on selling anyone is interested in buying it,make an offer via the 'Contact me' form.Any body knows where I can list it without any fee?

So,do you like the new domain name?Or do you think that the old one( was better?

Have you bought a domain name for your blog?Any tips for not to lose my PR 3?


  1. Hey, congrats on your new domain name! The new domain name sounds more pro without the "blogspot."

  2. One of the big pluses of blogger to me over wordpress is that people can leave you message, even if they're not on blogger. There are multiple choices of how one might sign in and word press is a closed community from what I've seen ONLY those who join, who register can leave messages. Personally I prefer not to have a cazillion accounts. After awhile, one really can't keep track.

    I also like the templates available on blogger. Most of the word press pages I've seen are plain white. Personal preference I think; but having blogged on msnspace, yahoo 360, myspace, and mutliple...blogger is my choice.

  3. Hi there and congrats on your new domain name. It is unfortunate that once you do this, it is almost difficult to retain both your PR and Alexa Rankings, specially if you do this on a later stage. This is the reason why I keep recommending my visitors on my blog to buy a domain name early.

    As far as maintaining your ranks on blogger, sadly, I do not believe that there is an option because you do not have access to the root directory and therefore you can not do any redirects.


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