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  1. Hello! This seems to be a very good blog. So, best of luck with it.

    Now, why don't you use apps like Zoho Creator to create a contact form? It will be much easier for the visitors to contact you.

    And, in the recent posts in the middle column, the link to 'Free SMS across India' does not work.

    Regards & Good luck.

  2. Thanks for visiting,and also for the tip.

    Will look into your suggestion.I browsed for a number of add-ons that could be used in blogs,and I think I may have missed that one.

  3. And,by the way,I had to delete"Free SMS across India " post,and the recent posts widget is actually a script,so I have no other option,but to wait to go down the list :(

  4. The contact form is looking very good now.

  5. The contact form is looking good now.

  6. The contact form that I had earlier wasn't working properly and I didn't receive any of the messages sent.So,if you had anything sent via the old contact form,kindly send it again.

  7. Hey Karthik, This website is really useful.. keep it up...Awesome work.



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